
  • Saturday, February 22, 2025 at 02:00 PM · 19 rsvps
    Fruitdale Grange in Grants Pass, OR

    Citizens for Responsible Government's Election of a Board of Directors

    With the new year well underway, featuring new city councils and a board of county commissioners, our nonpartisan, collaborative, civic-minded grassroots organization, which officially commenced in May 2023, is approaching the completion of its second year. Citizens for Responsible Government (CRG) is also undergoing reorganization.

    The recent activities of the new county commissioners and the Grants Pass city councilors underscore the continued relevance of CRG's mission to promote and support good local governance. We have supported the adoption of a new county charter and contributed to the justified recall of a commissioner. We extend our gratitude to all who have donated their time, money, and creative energy, and we eagerly anticipate your ongoing support.

    We are holding an election to select a board of directors, aptly scheduled on George Washington's birthday. Meeting will start at 2:00PM; Doors open at 1:30.

    We invite you to cast your vote or run for a seat yourself. Each position carries a one-year commitment. 

    Each position carries a one-year commitment. Below are the summaries of the four available positions:


    • Establishes a meeting schedule.
    • Presides over all meetings; provides a written agenda for meetings; administers direction and goals for CRG; implements strategies to accomplish the vision of the Executive Board.
    • Serves as CRG’s chief spokesperson or designates one for a specific issue; approves committee chairs upon advice and consent of the Executive Board; oversees correspondence, emails, inquiries; calls meetings of the Executive Board when necessary; determines dates for entire CRG meetings as well as Executive Board meetings.
    • Can call an Executive Board meeting to get input for the agenda and/or pending issues.

    Vice Chair

    • Assists the Chair as needed. Presides at meetings in the Chair’s absence; assumes the Chair role in case the Chair has a prolonged absence or resigns; serves as a liaison between the Executive Board and principal committees.


    • Takes minutes of the meetings and shares these with the membership within an appropriate period, at least one week before the next meeting; assists with correspondence, emails, inquiries as needed; keeps a file of minutes for reference; composes and sends media announcements when publicity is required.


    • Serves as custodian of all CRG funds; maintains financial records and provides status reports at regular CRG meetings; files the required Contributions and Expenditures Reports with the Secretary of State and County Clerk; keeps records available for inspection solely by the Executive Board during Executive Board meetings.

    If you are interested in running, please email your name, contact information, the seat you seek, and a brief statement about your qualifications by February 10th to [email protected].

    A complete list of candidates will be available on the website by February 17th. We greatly appreciate your participation.