Our Team

We are Republicans, Democrats, other smaller Parties and Non-Affiliated voters.

As we strive to have non-partisan government, we reflect the same in our organization.


Citizens for Responsible Government (CRG) is a nonpartisan civic organization that promotes, encourages, and advocates for good local governance, and works to educate the citizenry and those who seek and hold public office in the principles and practices of good governance.


CRG seeks to develop and implement a broad, long-term approach for engaging citizens and our elected and appointed government officials in an ongoing dialogue about good governance.


Local governmental institutions in Josephine County are to serve the needs and interests of the entire community through established best practices of good governance. These practices are rooted in honesty, integrity, accessibility, inclusiveness, transparency, equity, diversity, competence, and accountability.  Good government leadership relies on factual information and reason, practices ethical behavior, and respects the rule of law.