Evaluating Candidates

Here are some questions to ask yourself about candidates:

  • Are candidates’ claims verifiable?

  • Do they seem to have a good understanding of the important issues?

  • Do candidates have a plan for achieving important goals, such as creating affordable housing, diminishing homelessness, funding basic community needs such as public health, public safety, emergency services?

  • Does a candidate seem able to work with other elected officials to achieve positive results for their constituents?

  • Will the candidate represent their constituents? Or just those who are in agreement with them?

  • Who endorses the candidates?

  • Do those groups represent your values and beliefs about good governance?

Citizens for Responsible Government (CRG) is fully immersed in election season now. We are sorting out candidates, have looked at the pros and cons of supporting the John West recall effort and are trying to set up an informative debate between candidates so voters can get a better idea of who they are. All filing has closed so here are the voters’ choices.

Recall Election: Although CRG is committed to staying neutral in elections so its members can provide unbiased information to voters about candidates, the recall effort has been determined to be justified. Commissioner John West’s misinterpretations of state statutes have been damaging to the county, unnecessarily hurtful to many of his constituents and if left to serve out his term for another two years he is likely to do much more harm, especially if he uses his money to get like-minded people elected to the Board.

Josephine County Candidates: Pat Fahey is running against Ron Smith for Position 3. Colene Martin is running against Chris Barnett for Position 2. All were invited to a CRG sponsored debate but only Fahey and Martin agreed to show up.

State Legislature Candidates (a partisan election): Democrat Tracy Thompson is running against Republican Noah Robinson in Senate District 2. In House District 3 Mark Seligman, registered as a Democrat, is running against Republican Dwayne Yunker.

Grants Pass City Council Candidates: Half the Grants Pass City Council and the Mayor’s position are up for election. Mayor Sara Bristol is running against Clint Scherf, Ward 1 incumbent Brian DeLaGrange is being challenged by Indra Nicholas. Ward 2 has no incumbent so Victoria Marshall is running against Jay Meredith. Incumbent DJ Fazer did not file for his Ward 3 seat so only one person, Erich Schloegl is vying for that seat. Ward 4 incumbent Vanessa Ogier is facing two challengers, Mark Kelsey and Kathleen Krohn.

Cave Junction City Council: With no incumbent running, the contest for Mayor will be between Jean Ann Miles and Jesse Dugas. Two council positions are up, Position 2, Tina Casey Jones is running against Steven Strauss and for Position 4 only one person has filed, Jason Peters.

CRG hosted a candidate forum and invited all those running for city, county and state offices.

Listen to what those who participated said about a variety of issues.