Endorse Measure 17-116

Add your name to the growing list of Josephine County proud voter who are endorsing this Charter. Add your name to the list! Endorse our proposed charter.


I am proud to endorse the Measure 17-116 Charter Replacement ballot measure. It is an important step towards assuring full participation in our county government.

This Charter aligns with my values to have Josephine Count managed with integrity and efficiency. I believe it will have a positive impact for all residents in our county.

I urge everyone to support this Charter and help make Josephine Couty a better place.


Who's endorsing

Belinda Blauer
Kirby Erickson
Dave Cosner
Dave Cosner
Kirby Nave
Janine Nave
Georgia Moulton
Penny Horning
Georgia Applegate
Christine Stern
Larry Cole
Jillana Meyer
Katharine Kieffer
Don and Lynda Demsher
Ken Beatty
Richard and Paulette Flora
Marcia Cottrill
Richard and Paulette Flora
Alison and Paul Pazourek
John Rickert
Larry Vellozzi Vellozzi & Associates Real Estate
Fritz and Gisela Brune
Martin Seybold
Larry Weaver
Joe Henner
Dick Cottrill
Charlie Seagraves
Lynda Spangler
Jim Lefeber
Jim and Alison Huber

86 endorsements

Will you endorse?